RTCMultiConnection All-in-One test ® Muaz Khan

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  1. Mesh networking model is implemented to open multiple (1:1) interconnected peer connections
  2. Maximum peer connections limit per page is 256 (on chrome) i.e. 256 users can connect together!

How to use RTCMultiConnection?

// https://cdn.webrtc-experiment.com/RTCMultiConnection.js

Common Code

var MODERATOR_CHANNEL_ID = 'ABCDEF'; // channel-id
var MODERATOR_SESSION_ID = 'XYZ';    // room-id
var MODERATOR_ID         = 'JKL';    // user-id
var MODERATOR_SESSION    = {         // media-type
    audio: true,
    video: true
var MODERATOR_EXTRA      = {};       // empty extra-data

Code for Room Moderator (i.e. Initiator)

var moderator     = new RTCMultiConnection(MODERATOR_CHANNEL_ID);
moderator.session = MODERATOR_SESSION;
moderator.userid  = MODERATOR_ID;
moderator.extra   = MODERATOR_EXTRA;
    dontTransmit: true,
    sessionid:    MODERATOR_SESSION_ID

Code for Room Participants

var participants = new RTCMultiConnection(MODERATOR_CHANNEL_ID);
    sessionid: MODERATOR_SESSION_ID,
    userid:    MODERATOR_ID,
    extra:     MODERATOR_EXTRA,
    session:   MODERATOR_SESSION

(optional) Handle how to get streams

// same code can be used for participants
// (it is optional) 
connection.onstreamid = function(event) {
    // got a clue of incoming remote stream
    // didn't get remote stream yet
    var incoming_stream_id = event.streamid;
    // or

// same code can be used for participants
// it is useful
connection.onstream = function(event) {
    // got local or remote stream
    // if(event.type == 'local')  {}
    // if(event.type == 'remote') {}
    // or YOUR_VIDEO.src = event.blobURL;
    // or YOUR_VIDEO.src = URL.createObjectURL(event.stream);

// same code can be used for participants
// it is useful but optional
connection.onstreamended = function(event) {

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